Monday, April 19, 2010

The chill behind global warming!

Have you ever watched the documentary "What would happen if the world became 6C (6 Degrees Celsius) Warmer." Its like a horror movie, what makes it more scary is that it isn't a movie, its the truth!
It describes the impact and the extent of destruction of life caused by warming the earth by one degree at a time.
It's fact that the global average surface temperature increased by 0.6C plus or minus 0.2C and the concentration of Carbon Dioxide reached 381ppm in 2005(this also being the warmest year since 1861), a rise of over 40% since the industrial revolution, forming a steep line on the graph.
Well there we have it, Climate change isn't a theory, its a fact. Climate change effects are already being experienced, changes in rainfall patterns, riverflows, more flooding and droughts. In my country(Zimbabwe), which also makes a good representation of most African countries, has around 75% of its people in the rural areas who directly rely on subsistence farming for a living. Its these people who will be hit hardest. Poor people in poor countries are the most vulnerable and stand to lose the most to climate change. We should start acting now to reduce the magnitude of these impacts, both mitigation of climate change and adaptation are imperative to minimize the gap between 3rd world and 1st world countries. . If we are ever going to sustain our hope of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, we need to start acting now.

1 comment:

  1. I can feel the chill you're talking about Phil. The solution doesn't lie far. It is the industrial revolution that we blame for aggravating the global warming, but during this period important discoveries were made, man became a lot smarter, through war and conflict and a host of other brutal activities. It is from the findings of this period that the solution to counter. Climate Change lies, i believe the solution lies in technology. So like you're saying Phil, it's
    largely a matter of willingness amongst ourselves...
